Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2022 with Realistic New Year’s Resolutions

Lily Vaughan '23, Contributing Writer

With the new year here, if you’re like many others, myself included, you are coming up with New Year’s resolutions for yourself. What better time to start fresh and set new intentions and goals for yourself than at the start of the new year. The classic resolutions are usually to work out more, get more sleep, drink more water, start a new diet, etc. However, in reality, we tend to only last for a month sticking to these resolutions before our lives get too busy and we find ourselves falling back into old habits. Coming up with these resolutions is easy, yet sticking to them and staying consistent is a different story.

Whether it’s a resolution related to fitness, academics, your social life, etc. you can make progress and achieve these resolutions if you stay consistent. Easier said than done, but I have compiled some tips that have helped me in the past, and can hopefully help you too!

1. Even though you can probably come up with a big list of New Year’s Resolutions, it’s important to choose only 1-2 resolutions. This way you’ll have the time and energy you need to carry through on your goals, and it doesn’t turn into a long, tedious to-do list. Although it might be hard to narrow down your list, think deeply about what you want for yourself and pick a goal that excites you, that way you are more likely to stay motivated.

2. When picking your resolutions, be realistic with yourself and start small. If one of your resolutions was to start going on runs, and you have never run before, you can start by running one mile for instance, and then slowly build your mileage up. Realistically, it would not be smart to run five miles on your first run. Starting small can be hard, but it is a lot better than doing too much, too soon, then burning out. This can lead to a loss of motivation.

3. The importance of trusting the process is another key factor in achieving your goals and sticking to your resolutions. Although the process may not be easy, you have to push through the days that you feel like giving up on your goal, to receive satisfaction in the long run.

Something that can help you when you are working through a longer process is to set small goals for yourself. This can minimize procrastination, because you are working towards smaller milestones, which when added up will lead to consistency towards your bigger goal.

You can reward yourself for the small victories you achieve. These rewards could look different: for example, buying yourself something, eating a dessert, etc. Even completing the goal can be enough of a reward for you!

When you have a plan “laid out” in front of you, and you know what you need to do to succeed. It is more likely that you stay motivated, rather than if you didn’t have a plan and were taking it day by day without recognizing the true progress you’re making.

Another pointer is that you can communicate your resolutions with your family and friends. This way they can help hold you accountable for your resolutions, and support you along the way.

Lastly, don’t be afraid to adjust your goal along the way if you find that things aren’t working out the way you want them to be. Allowing yourself to set a more practical goal that may be better for you in the long run, is OK and a part of the process.

All in all, the new year is not a time to go big and change your whole life; however, if you prioritize what you want for yourself and focus on manageable goals–you can get there!