Teaching During the Coronavirus

Lily Vaughan '23, Contributing Writer

Teaching is a difficult job. The idea of teaching and maintaining the attention of 25 students for close to an hour at a time as well as making sure students are comprehending the lessons are daily challenges. Now throw a pandemic into the mix. What was typically learned in a week is now attempting to be taught in two days.

The coronavirus has impacted not only students and families, but also teachers. It is overlooked by many how difficult teaching is in the first place, but now more than ever. There are new policies, procedures, curriculum changes, and a consistent worry about who will get covid next. While students go into school two days a week, teachers are in the school five days and are exposed to all students.
Students may think that they have it hard, but teachers are also challenged, in different ways. This year, there is a lot asked of everyone. Following covid guidelines, while learning material is asked of students.

On the other hand, teachers have to alter lessons around the limited time they have to teach, make sure students at home and school understand the content and so many more responsibilities that come with being a teacher. Not to mention, they have to keep their classrooms sanitary and make sure everyone is staying safe and healthy.

With COVID19 comes a new lifestyle for everyone. In terms of schooling, both teachers and students needed to get comfortable with technology. Google Classroom and Zoom became the new normal.

One teacher (who wishes to remain anonymous) shares, “There’s all kinds of nuts and bolts things like Zoom and breakout rooms and screencastify videos and planning for at-home and in-person, but those are just the basic pieces.”

When it comes to hybrid, in-person school, many don’t consider the number of students teachers see per week. Teachers are at school with two different groups of students four days a week, while students go in two days with the same group. In some ways, teachers are running a risk by being there that often. It’s overlooked how much credit they are getting for what they do. While teachers do see every student, having them in class only two times a week poses difficulties for forming relationships with their students. Relationships are essential to every student and teacher because every student is different, and teachers need to know what works best for each individual.

Frequent communication is also essential, especially in these times. When students are only going into school as infrequently as they are, teachers must communicate through Google Classroom and keep their emails open. Additionally, the organization is important more than ever.

Science teacher Mrs. Chaves states, “Instead of five classes, we have ten because each class is split into two cohorts. Keeping track of what each cohort is doing on Here days and Away days can literally make your head spin.”

Teachers have to keep all of their classes aligned and stay on top of their planning.
Under normal circumstances, teachers are challenged daily, but it is even more so during the coronavirus.