James Charles is Making History for CoverGirl

By  Samantha Steinberg

James Charles is a 17 year old male from New York who has a huge passion for makeup and beauty. He has spread his inspiring makeup tutorials all over Instagram and YouTube. Recently Charles joined the CoverGirl team and became the first male to be on the face of their brand. He might be making history for CoverGirl, but he is also making history for the makeup business. Charles inspires people all across the world to wear what they want and to be who they want to be without having to worry about gender labels.

People look up to Charles as a role model for encouraging other men to wear makeup and create their own art if they want. Charles hopes to help make the beauty industry genderless and help men feel comfortable wearing makeup and express their passion. Charles had an interview recently  with The New York Times and said, “We’re really making the push toward equal opportunities for everybody, regardless of race, sexuality, gender.”

Males have been cyber bullied and made fun of at schools because they like to wear makeup. Charles believes men should stand up for what they like and not let other people negatively influence them. His goal as a new CoverGirl model is to show that anyone can do what they want. Although many people do not like the thought of men wearing makeup, it is a way of self expression of males who use beauty products on a regular basis.  “It’s going to take so much more open-mindedness to have it be a common thing,” said Charles. He sees men all over Instagram posting pictures of their own makeup creations and supports anyone that decides to wear makeup.

Makeup is a fun and creative way for an individual to express their own personality and show others their talent. Makeup does not define who a person is but shows that people can express themselves in different ways. James Charles continues to inspire people and show that makeup has no rules and everyone is welcome to wear it.

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Makeup Tutorial By James Charles:
