At the beginning of the month the freshmen class began the Pennies for Patients drive. Buckets for each of the four graduating classes were placed in the lunchroom and the cafeteria. The goal of the drive is to have students place pennies (or any other type of coinage or dollar bill) in their classes’ bin. All of the money at the end of this month will be donated to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. The class with the most money in their jar will be rewardedwith a pizza party.
Even though this worthy fundraiser has been going on for weeks, there has not been much support for it. Most of the jars only appear to have a handful of coins and dollar bills. This fundraiser has been going on for the entire month and yet there has barely been a whisper from the student body. We should be able to do better than this!
If everyone in the building contributed just one penny to their class’ jar, then that alone would raise approximately $11.00 towards cancer research. Now, how hard is it to donate one penny? Better yet, if everyone donated a nickel, then the school would raise approximately $55.oo towards this worthy cause.
With a day to go the freshmen class is in the lead! Will you help change that?