On December 20th, Paramount Pictures released Sonic the Hedgehog 3 as a sequel to their previous 2 movies. This film starred a couple of high-level actors, such as Jim Carrey as Doctor Eggman and Keanu Reeves as Shadow. It has an 86% rotten tomato rating and I thought it was a good movie. Here’s an honest review, without any spoilers.
For some background information, the original Sonic the Hedgehog movie was about a unique hedgehog named Sonic who was powered by speed. Sonic fights a supervillain named Dr. Robotnik who wants to steal his power to take over the world. Sonic is voiced by Ben Schwartz and Dr Robotnick is voiced by Jim Carrey.
In this latest movie, Sonic fights Shadow, another superpowered hedgehog, and the man who discovered Shadow’s power. As you watch the movie, you will learn how cruel the world was to Shadow and why he wanted revenge. Sonic, along with his team, Knuckles and Tails, chase down Shadow and the professor (the man who discovered him) and stop them from taking over the world. Sonic’s “parents” (James Marsden and Tika Sumpter) also help with the mission while being normal humans.
In my opinion, this movie was good. Watching Sonic the Hedgehog once or twice isn’t necessary to understand this movie but it might help with the backstory. I thought Sonic was a good mix between funny and serious, and for the most part, it was a feel-good movie. There were a couple of laugh-out-loud moments and scenes, but also some pieces that tugged at your heart. Shadow represents a villain who you completely feel remorse for, which brings a new aspect to this comedy. For the fact that this is the third sequel in the franchise, the movie did live up to expectations and had a good storyline. I did get bored towards the end when the whole evil plan felt repetitive, and I thought 1 hour and 50 minutes was kind of long. But I would recommend this movie to anyone who needs a new watch or who enjoys fun animated movies!