The National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC) application has just opened for the summer of 2025, and you’re missing out on an incredible opportunity if you don’t register!
NSLC is a nine-day summer program for middle and high school students which offers 37 different focuses, ranging from graphic design to neuroscience. The programs take place at different college campuses across the country, allowing students to stay in dorms and get a taste of the college experience a bit ahead of time. Students are able to learn more about their focus area through classes, while also participating in leadership workshops and field trips.
I attended the journalism program at American University this past summer, and it was genuinely one of the best experiences of my life. We took a course called “Discover the World of Communications”, where I was part of the Broadcast Journalism track. I was able to anchor for a broadcast filmed with professional equipment, and also report on the Katzen Arts Center on the American campus.
As engaging and interesting as this class was, the highlight of the program was the newsroom simulation. Our three teaching assistants (TAs) played characters that we got to report on, by creating mock news outlets with our groups. We created websites, and social media accounts, wrote articles, and made broadcasts to cover the elaborate plot the TAs had come up with.
We also attended leadership workshops almost every day, led by speaker and magician Brandon Love (known to us as BLove!) He was like a celebrity to us, but we also truly valued his insight. I personally will always remember his advice, as he encouraged us to take action in pursuing our dreams by analyzing and enhancing our individual strengths.
The entire program was incredibly well organized. We had a packed schedule, which kept us constantly busy, but also constantly having an amazing time. We took field trips to different news studios in D.C. and even got to tour the monuments at night.
At this point, you might wonder why you should apply to NSLC instead of some other summer program. After all, plenty of other programs offer interesting classes and seminars. The most outstanding aspect of NSLC, though, is the community I found in it.
When you are 400 miles away from home, not knowing anyone around you, it’s easy to be anxious. As I arrived in D.C. and walked towards the TAs holding signs in the airport, I was so scared that I could barely speak. I remember rambling some nonsense about my suitcase and attempting to introduce myself without making my nerves too obvious.
Only a few hours later, though, I met a group of people who would quickly become some of my closest friends. We explored the campus, sharing our entire life stories in an impressively short amount of time.
Before we knew it, our entire program, of about 35, had grown into a family. Our bus trips, which included singing along to our favorite songs, adventures around D.C., and nights spent staying up talking much later than we were supposed to, brought us closer together than any of us expected. On the last day, we were all in tears as we said our goodbyes.
As difficult as it was to say goodbye, the connections we had formed were not about to fade away. We still have a very active group chat, where we update each other on our progress with school and college applications—and we never miss a birthday!

Needless to say, I am so grateful for the support system I found through NSLC. It’s incredible to have a group of friends who are all equally passionate about pursuing our interests, and endlessly encouraging each other. Those nine days of my life will always stick with me as a reminder of the joy that comes from surrounding yourself with such amazing people.
So, if you’re a high school student looking for a new experience this summer, do yourself a favor and sign up for an NSLC program!
Brianna Aguilar • Nov 26, 2024 at 2:36 pm
awesome article!!