Tune in to this week’s newsreel for an inside look at the Best Buddies Halloween Dance and to get some stress management tips (regarding college applications) from guidance counselor, Ms. Ugrinow. Filmed and edited at Studio 33 at Westborough TV.
10/21/24: Biweekly News
October 21, 2024
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About the Contributors

Sahana Karthik ’25, Co-Editor in Chief
Sahana Karthik, a Co-Editor in Chief, is a senior at WHS and is currently in her fourth year of journalism. She enjoys the opportunity to interview new people and learn about places around Westborough and neighboring towns that she didn’t know about before. Outside of the Lobby O, you can find her working at Hastings for the Extended Day Program and hanging out with her two dogs (Spark and Sasha) and friends.
Email: [email protected]

Grace Bridges ’25, Senior Executive Producer
Grace Bridges, a Senior Executive Producer and Tech Editor, is a current senior at WHS. In her fourth year of journalism, Grace enjoys working behind the scenes on broadcasts and writing reviews. Grace spends her free time playing softball, scooping ice cream at Cold Stone, and spending time with her friends and family.
Email: [email protected]

Abbie Northrup ’25, Lead A&E Editor
Abigail (Abbie) Northrup is a senior at WHS and the Lead A&E Editor of the Lobby Observer. She loves to use her writing to connect her two passions, journalism and theater! In her free time, she loves to play guitar and spend time with her friends.

Anna Willard ’25, Lead Feature Editor
Anna Willard, ‘25, is a Lead Feature Editor for the Lobby Observer and has been a part of the Lobby O all four years at Westborough High School. Anna enjoys writing opinions and features, as well as anchoring for broadcasts, which is her favorite part of being in journalism. Outside of school, you can find Anna at her job at the Golf Course, or hanging out with her family and friends.

Bram Lieberman ’25, Managing Co-Editor
Bram Lieberman is a Senior and one of the Managing Co-Editors of the Lobby Observer. This is his third year in journalism. In his free time, you can find Bram on stage/behind the scenes at WHS shows or planning class events for the Class of 2025.

Brady Chapman ’25, Lead Sports Editor
Brady Chapman, Lead Sports Editor, is a senior at WHS and is currently in his third year of journalism. He enjoys writing articles and producing interesting broadcasts. Outside of the Lobby-O, he can be found playing varsity football, basketball, and baseball for the Rangers. He also enjoys spending time with his friends and family.

Jack Peterson ’25, Lead Technical Editor
Jack Peterson ’25, is a lead technical editor in his 3rd year of Journalism. Jack enjoys making fun and enjoyable broadcasts specifically on interesting topics around the high school. Outside of the lobby Observer, Jack enjoys playing basketball and golf along with spending time with his brothers.

Morgan Boudreaux ’25, Lead Feature Editor
Morgan Boudreaux ’25 is a lead feature editor of the Lobby O, and a senior at WHS. Morgan enjoys making broadcasts and writing articles for the Lobby O, and often enjoys writing about music and movies. They are a compeditive dancer at Rhythm Dance Company and enjoy listening to music and learning songs on the guitar. You can also find Morgan working in the fields of Harvey’s Farm in Westborough.

Jared Silverman ’25, Sports Editor
Jared Silverman, a Sports Editor, is a senior at WHS and is currently in his third year of journalism. He enjoys writing and interviewing other people to get their insight on interesting topics. Outside of the Lobby-O, he enjoys playing soccer and spending time with his friends and family.