October 15th has come and gone, and the first round of due applications went right with it! With the next deadline, November 1st rounding the corner, stress and tensions are rising. Applications can overwhelm you, especially if you have other outside commitments. If you need tips to manage your college application stress, you have come to the right place! Below are students’ ideas and advice to help!
One of our favorite tips to reduce stress levels when it comes to college and college applications is remembering to stay active. Staying active is a very important aspect when applying to college, as it positively benefits your mental state. The Mayo Clinic suggests that “even if you’re not an athlete or you’re out of shape, exercise can still be a good stress reliever.” Keep in mind, that this tip only requires a little exercise for it to benefit your life. Going on a little walk around the neighborhood, doing yoga, riding a bike, or even doing chores around the house can impact you positively. Although these exercises take little energy or effort, they still can be very effective during such a strenuous time.
You must set realistic expectations. Having goals that are too broad and unrealistic can cause your stress levels to increase. Using the tool of Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Timely (SMART) goals can help you make better goals and expectations. Being able to accomplish little things throughout each day will leave you feeling positively reinforced. Feeling accomplished helps lower stress levels, as you know you are doing something right in confusing times.
Having a strong support system and seeking counseling to help you through the whole college process is essential to keeping your stress levels as low as possible. There are many resources available for you in and outside of school to help you with all things college-related. School counselors, college application counselors, and tutors are all available to Westborough High School students. Here at WHS, you can schedule appointments with your guidance counselor to work on your Common App or anything else you need help with. They also have created a new thing this year called “college labs” where you can schedule a time to go down to the guidance office and work with counselors on any questions you have. All students have been emailed a link and more information on how to sign up.
Focusing on having proper communication with the colleges that you are aiming to apply to is key to staying on top of all college applications. Keeping in touch with different professors, administration counselors, or coaches at different colleges will help them understand you are interested in going there. At WHS, you can attend meetings with certain college administration counselors who visit and learn all about that specific college and its campus. The email from your guidance counselor inviting you to these meetings can be found in your email after adding that school to “Colleges I’m Applying To” on Naviance. If you aren’t sure how or who to contact at a specific school, you can make an appointment with your guidance counselor here at WHS and they will help guide you to find the right information!
Although these times can be stressful, be sure to take things one day at a time. All of our tips given have positively impacted us; students going through the process as well. Be sure to use the resources given here at WHS, and reach out if you have any questions! Best of luck to all seniors applying to college this fall!