If you are passionate about giving back to the community, the Interact Club could be the perfect place for you. I got the chance to speak with the leader of the club, Ali Imraan, and ask him a few questions about the club and his responsibilities.
According to Imraan, “Interact is the youth arm of Rotary. Rotary International is a service organization that brings together business and professional leaders to provide community service.” He spoke very positively about the members of the Rotary Club, saying it “is full of amazing and passionate people” This partnership helps provide services to the high school and the rest of the community.
Something special about Interact is the way it recruits members. Unlike many clubs that have extensive signup processes and required numbers of hours needed to stay in the club, Interact is a club that is open to anyone and free to join. When asked how to club has gained so much traction, Imraan says “We don’t do much recruiting more than the clubs and activities showcase at the beginning of the year – our events speak for themselves and that is what makes people want to join the club.”
Interact has organized many different volunteer opportunities and events over the years. Imraan touched on how Interact is so tightly knit with the Westborough Community as most of the events benefit the town and its people. Something Interact is known to help out with is the Winter Tree Lighting. Interact Club asks local businesses to take part in the winter stroll and passes out free hot chocolate at the tree lighting ceremony. Imraan also mentioned Purple Pinkie Day, where the club “led a schoolwide effort that raised over 1.2 thousand dollars alongside the The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to eradicate polio.”
Imraan is a senior this year, meaning it is his last year in charge of WHS’ chapter of Interact. In the future, he hopes to see the club “continue to grow and thrive, hopefully with a board who is just as passionate about it as we are.” He also would like to see the club expand to Gibbons, as he believes this would be a great way to collaborate with the future of WHS. Overall, however. Imraan simply hopes to show people how much fun volunteering can be.
If you are interested in joining Interact Club and helping to make your community a better place, reach out to Ali Imraan!