The Advanced Journalism Class has put together the first of their bi-weekly news segements. Here, they will update the school on all things WHS! They touch on important topics like the upcoming dance and the activities for seniors.
10/06/23: Bi-Weekly News
October 6, 2023
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About the Contributors

Delaney Vallee ’24, Co-Editor in Chief
Delaney Vallee ‘24 a Co-Editor in Chief for The Lobby Observer and Senior at WHS, has been writing for the school newspaper for the past three years. Her favorite aspect of journalism is being able to inform the community about important topics, in addition to writing what she is most passionate about. She enjoys writing opinions and reviews, as well as creating broadcasts. When she is not in the newsroom, she can be found on the lacrosse field or spending time with her family and friends.

Ava Nolin ’24, Senior Executive Producer
Ava Nolin, Senior Executive producer, has been a part of the Lobby O since her sophomore year. She is passionate about journalism due to the balance of creative and informative writing. She enjoys producing broadcasts as well as working in front of and behind the camera. She is involved in soccer and basketball and loves spending time with friends when she isn’t working one of her two jobs.

Sahana Karthik ’25, Co-Editor in Chief
Sahana Karthik, a Co-Editor in Chief, is a senior at WHS and is currently in her fourth year of journalism. She enjoys the opportunity to interview new people and learn about places around Westborough and neighboring towns that she didn’t know about before. Outside of the Lobby O, you can find her with the Model UN team, working at Hastings for the Extended Day Program, and hanging out with her two dogs (Spark and Sasha) and friends.
Email: [email protected]

Simon Bleier ’24, Co-Editor in Chief
Simon Bleier ‘24, a Co-Editor in Chief, is a senior who has been writing for The Lobby Observer for the past three years. Simon’s favorite part about journalism is sharing powerful stories and messages with others. Simon loves writing about all things sports and when he is not writing about sports, he plays or watches them. He plays soccer and basketball for WHS and is always open to a good competition. In addition to sports, Simon enjoys spending quality time outside with his family, friends, and dog.

Max Dullea ’24, Sports Editor
Max Dullea ‘24 has been taking journalism class for the past three years. He enjoys writing various articles primarily revolving around food, entertainment, and sports. Max is now a sports editor for the lobby observer and looks forward to writing about professional and high school sports throughout the year. He enjoys working on broadcasts both on camera and behind the scenes. While he is not in the journalism classroom, Max enjoys playing pickup basketball and spending time with friends and family.

Hannah Wallace ’25, Co-Editor in Chief
Hannah Wallace, a Co-Editor in Chief, is a senior at WHS, and is currently in her fourth year of journalism. Hannah is grateful for the freedom to express her opinions, passions, and interests, that writing, as well as broadcasting, for the Lobby Observer have opened up to her. She particularly enjoys shedding light on hard-hitting topics such as mental health awareness. Outside of the Lobby-O, you can find Hannah tutoring kids, spending time with friends, or working at the Extended Day Program at Fales.
Email: [email protected]

AJ Tarzia ’24, Co-Executive Producer
AJ Tarzia ‘24, an executive producer has been taking journalism classes and has written for The Lobby Observer for four years. He enjoys the freedom of being able to write about what he pleases as he progresses through the journalism courses. He has enjoyed both writing articles and producing broadcasts. He enjoys covering sports as it is a great passion of his, while he is not writing about sports he is playing either soccer or basketball. In his free time, AJ enjoys spending time with family and friends and watching Boston sports.

Maggie Hanlon ’24, Managing Co-Editor
Maggie Hanlon, Managing Co- Editor, has been a part of the Lobby O since her Sophomore year. She enjoys journalism because of her creative freedom when writing articles and producing broadcasts. Aside from the Lobby O she is passionate about figure skating, skiing, field hockey, and running the club Westborough Helps the Homeless.

Ava Lusek ’25, Lead Social Media Coordinator
Ava Lusek ‘25, is one of the two Lead Social Media Coordinators for the Lobby Observer and has been in journalism for all four years at Westborough High School. Ava enjoys writing features and reviews as well as participating in broadcasts, which is her favorite thing to do in Journalism. Outside of school you can find Ava at the dance studio or spending time with family and friends.

Hannah Willar ’25, Lead Social Media Coordinator
Hannah Willar, is one of the Lead Social-media coordinators here at WHS has been a part of the journalism program for the past four years. Hannah enjoys writing about sports, what’s going on around WHS, and anchoring in broadcasts. Outside of school you can find Hannah working with kids, playing basketball, and spending time with family and friends.