Westborough TV’s Newest Addition: Keegan Antelman
December 10, 2022
WHS sports are receiving extra attention as Westborough TV’s newest intern Keegan Antelman goes above and beyond.
As some may have seen, Westborough TV produced mid-season highlights for each sport per instruction of the general manager of Westborough TV, Karen Henderson. Using the equipment at Westborough TV, Antelman researched the teams and took a particular interest in one:
“I was on the [Westborough sports] website and I was looking at it because I had to recap each sport and [saw that] the soccer team is 5-2. And then I saw the volleyball team and well, they’re 11-0,” Antelman shared.
From there, Antelman discovered WHS volleyball had maintained an undefeated record for three years with the exception of the 2021 State Championship, increasing his interest in the program.
Antelman went on to produce three videos for the volleyball team: two documentary style and one highlight real. Additionally, Antelman created a boys’ soccer highlight video and proceeded to cover the other fall sports in a mid-season recap.
Antelman prefers to cover sports as he loves “being able to have the opportunity to express myself creatively while also watching sports.” Other than sports, his role as the main editor includes covering local events like the Halloween Walk and new businesses, which he covers two to three times a week.
Why does Antelman intern at Westborough TV? Through Assabet Valley Vocational High School, he has the opportunity to study a shop. At Assabet there are two main types of shops: hard shops: consisting of hands-on occupations like electrical, plumbing, and auto tech, and soft shops including less physically strenuous jobs like culinary, computer programing, and Antelman’s shop: design and visual.
Assabet students have a biweekly schedule, spending half the school year in shop and half in classes. To make up for only being in school 90 school days a year, many classes give packets of homework for students to complete during their shop week. Aside from AP classes, these packets are designed for students to practice what they learned in class as opposed to teaching themselves new material during their shop week. For underclassmen, shop weeks are introductory based to acclimate them to the field that they chose December of their freshman year.
Despite this extra work on shop weeks, Antelman likes going to a vocational school.
He commented, “I think it’s really valuable to apply it to an industry like I am now at Westborough TV in a professional setting. I think being able to apply what you learn immediately instead of waiting eight to ten years to get a job, that’s something you don’t get elsewhere.”
Antelman’s shop teacher recommended him to Westborough TV so he could experience realistic aspects of the industry.
Not only does he enjoy broadcast journalism, Antelman has a passion for playing baseball.
Given this fervent ardor for his sport, Antelman always planned on playing baseball for as long as possible. Though starting at eight years old — rather late in the baseball world of tee ball and little league — Antelman attributes his accomplishments in baseball to his self-dedication, club program Nor’easters Baseball, and physics.
“Physics has helped me understand how to move more efficiently,” Antelman explains as a 6’4” right-handed pitcher who looks to play in the future.

Whether it is finding out the best way to throw a pitch to strike a lefty batter out or figuring out how fast he needs to duck if a ball is hit up the middle at his head, Antelman enjoys absorbing all the knowledge he can. His club team also impacted his rather simple recruiting process immensely.
“They are really versed in that in terms of their connections with college coaches.” Antelman remarks, “They put me in front of college coaches this past summer.”
That they did according to Antelman, his future college coach was at one of his games watching this summer without Antelman even being aware. Before he knew it, he visited the campus and agreed to continue his baseball and academic careers at Bentley University after only a few emails were sent out for his recruiting process. Antelman admits he feels he was lucky in that the process wasn’t as taxing as other athletes experience.
That being said, he recalled that the process is a bit difficult mentally for athletes to undergo as he says,
“It’s challenging to be really uncertain of if you’re good enough to play, if you’re smart enough, if you’re a hard worker enough to balance academics and athletics, and just being uncertain of the future.”
Despite landing at Bentley the summer prior to his senior year, Antelman reiterated that he feels for athletes who struggle with this process as he felt similarly before arriving at Bentley. For Antelman, college baseball was always the goal, but academics had to fit as well. Next year at Bentley he will be majoring in media and culture with a minor in business.
In addition to his work at Westborough TV, Antelman has his own business called Shot by KGN where he posts the highlight films he creates for sports teams. One of his most frequent clients right now is the Assabet boys hockey team where he designs whatever they ask of him using his own DSLR camera and on his own time.
With these varying interests, Antelman says he would like to focus on playing baseball until he no longer can. At that point, he would ideally like to coach or incorporate his broadcast journalism skills into the baseball world by, for example, making hype videos for MLB teams or taking pictures for them.
To see some of Antelman’s work or find out more about hiring him to make a video, follow or message his Instagram: @shotbykgn