In this episode, sponsored by the TMHI Club (Teen Mental Health Initiative), The O Podcast crew discusses movies With Tommy McGinn, Shawn Levine, and Jake Birkhead. TMHI is sponsoring a drive-in movie night Saturday night at WHS with Ferris Bueller’s Day Off at 6pm and Top Gun Maverick at 8pm. Reserve a ticket now at: @whs_tmhi
The O: Episode 3 – The One about Movies
November 18, 2022
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About the Contributors

Shawn Levine ’23, Staff Writer
Shawn Levine ’23 has been in the journalism program at WHS for three years, and his favorite part of working on the Lobby Observer staff is reporting for broadcasts. Aside from the Lobby O, he also plays football and runs track for WHS. In his free time, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, playing basketball, and watching sports and movies on TV.

Matty Burger ’23, Co Editor in Chief
Matty Burger ‘23, a co-editor, has been taking journalism classes and has written for The Lobby Observer for the past three years. He enjoys the freedom of being able to write about what you please as you progress through the journalism courses. He has enjoyed both writing articles and producing broadcasts. When he is not filming broadcasts or writing articles, you can find him playing soccer and participating in numerous clubs around the high school. Matty is looking forward to a good year and hopes to produce great content throughout the year.

Jake Birkhead ’23, Sports Editor, Feature Editor
Jake Birkhead is a senior at WHS. This is his third year of journalism and he is a sports and feature editor. He is looking forward to writing articles, making broadcasts, and launching podcasts this year. When he is not working in journalism, he can be found playing baseball, basketball, or golf.

Tommy McGinn ’23, Co Executive Producer
Tommy McGinn ‘23, the Co-executive producer, has been taking journalism classes and has written for The Lobby Observer for three years. He enjoys the opportunity of being able to make broadcasts, write articles, and improve upon his editing skills. He likes making new, creative ideas for The Lobby-O. In his free time, Tommy enjoys hanging out with his friends and family, being active in several clubs at WHS, and playing basketball. Tommy hopes to make some great content this year.

AJ Tarzia ’24, Co-Executive Producer
AJ Tarzia ‘24, an executive producer has been taking journalism classes and has written for The Lobby Observer for four years. He enjoys the freedom of being able to write about what he pleases as he progresses through the journalism courses. He has enjoyed both writing articles and producing broadcasts. He enjoys covering sports as it is a great passion of his, while he is not writing about sports he is playing either soccer or basketball. In his free time, AJ enjoys spending time with family and friends and watching Boston sports.