Get Involved with Science Olympiad

Bhoomika Gowda '22, Contributing Writer

If you’re currently looking for an interesting way to pass time with something worthwhile, and enjoyable nonetheless, then consider joining the Westborough High School’s Science Olympiad Club, which offers quality projects and fun.

Science Olympiad is a club that meets every with week group of students who compete against other schools in a number of different sciences, including forensics, astrology, physics, and more. There are about 75 people, and each team has 15 members with partners of two or three.

The club not only aids in improving your communication skills, seeing there is a lot of partner work, but it helps in test preparation, and builds your common knowledge. Afterall, where else do you get to learn about ornithology(the study of birds)?

Science Olympiad, which has been around for five years now, is a great way to pursue individual interests, while spending time with friends.

Tiffany Zheng, a Science Olympiad Club member who usually competes in topics regarding machinery, boomilevers, and anatomy, relays her time in this group during the school year. “I enjoy science and being open to studying new ideas. I’ve learned about many new fields of science and competition days are the highlights of my highschool career. Being surrounded by like minded people, drinking boba, and exploring new campuses is very fun.”

This club, however, has not been left untouched by Covid-19, like many others. Before the pandemic, Zheng used to wake up at nearly five o’clock to compete at universities like Harvard or Brown. Nowadays, the tests are taken online- which holds a number of problems like technical issues, communication difficulties , and event confusion- but the club remains to face these challenges head-on.

The community in the Science Olympiad is one of the contributing factors to overcoming these challenges.

Zheng says, “Everyone is really helpful, the upperclassmen try to help to the best of their ability for builds whenever there are problems. Other club members help even if they’re not part of the same team. We congratulate each other wherever someone places well. In previous years, we had assemblies at the end of the day, around 8, where scores were shared, and awards were handed out for the top six. We would cheer each other on when names were called.”

Although the club usually meets every Thursday, students can go to the Engineering department and Mr. Hall, the Engineering teacher, for help with studying or other questions. The club president is Ethan Chan, and Mr. Hall and Mrs. Hillfiger can also be contacted to get involved.

When asked why she thought students should join, Zheng said, “People enjoy the club because they are surrounded by people with common interests, who are committed.”