Social Media: This Generation’s Addiction

Samantha Martel


The use of Snapchat has dramatically increased over the last few years for teenagers and young adults. According to Westborough High School senior Gemma Smith in her opinion article, “Snapchat: A fun way to talk or just a waste of time?” posted on The Lobby Observer,  the mobile app Snapchat is an obsessive form of communication.

Snapchat seems to be more of a necessity for current teens of this generation, which has caused many issues regarding verbal communication. Unfortunately, talking in person has slowly decreased over time while Snapchat streaks have gone up. Teenagers have become engulfed within social media once they begin using Snapchat. It actually has become an addiction for teenagers.

I don’t think people should be so engrossed with a social media app that doesn’t allow teenagers to communicate face to face. The influence of social media on teens has created a toxic generation.

In the article “Instagram and Snapchat were ranked the worst apps for children’s mental health”, writer Sam Shead discusses the sad online world teenagers have become trapped in where various social media platforms increase levels of depression and anxiety in teens.

Shead says, “Negative mental health impacts that can be induced by social media platforms include anxiety, depression, and loneliness.” The daily pressure put on teenagers to look or act as expected by society is heartbreaking.

Social media and technology have played roles of a shield to appear as a better person than you actually are. Every single person posts the best things about their life and hides the negative.

Time passes in a blink of an eye, and before I know it, sometimes I’ll find myself on my phone the entire day. Snapchat has taken over my entire phone use and has become my mainstream communicating source.

“Using less social media than you normally would lead to significant decreases in both depression and loneliness,” says author Melissa G. Hunt for Forbes Magazine. It is extremely necessary to take a break off social media and focus on your personal wellbeing. While stepping back from this mainstream source may be difficult, it is the first step of action.

A source from a study at James Madison University says, “Getting involved with your community is one of the best ways to feel connected while being part of local change.” Gathering with your peers or the surrounding community is a great way to start. Even just spending time with friends in the community at local events without technology disrupting the conversation is improving this issue.

The harmful effects of social media are gradually being brought to light for current teenagers and many generations to come. As technology becomes more advanced, people become more addicted.

I hope teenagers begin to understand the consequences and take a stand to end this addiction.



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