First WHS Annual 3 v 3 Basketball Tournament a Success
June 11, 2019
Wednesday marked the first annual 3v3 basketball tournament for the Class of ’21 here at the high school. The sophomore class hosted this fundraiser. This school-wide competition was popular among freshmen, sophomores, juniors and the staff. There were 24 teams signed up to play at $15 a team. Teams could consist of three people and two subs of varying ages. Some teams included both teachers and students, but many were mainly students.
Both gyms were filled with games lasting 10 minutes each in order to reach the last game in a reasonable amount of time. The tournament lasted about two hours and spectators were welcome to come in and out as they pleased. DJ Gogimal was there to entertain all the players and the 30 spectators.
Sophomore class Vice President Sarah Cox commented, “This was one of our most successful fundraisers yet and it really brought the school together.”
The fundraising wasn’t only successful because of the admission, but there were also concessions available. The class sold pizza from Not Your Average Joe’s, homemade brownies, popcorn and an assortment of different drinks. Most items were $1 and the pizza was $2 a slice.
The last game came down to Coach Brady’s team against a sophomore team. In the end, the faculty team was able to pull through with the win. Cox remarked, “Thank you to all participants, attendees, staff, and DJ Gogimal who helped make the tournament so successful. This will definitely become an annual event.”